czwartek, 30 września 2010

Civil Delegate Soul! / Civil Soul

Civil Delegate Soul!

 Around 06.00 GT (press Insert to check game time) to 07.00 GT you can get Soul of Limits from Civil Delegate that you're citizen in. All you need to pay is a Lak Scrap to get your Soul of Limits.

Soul of Limits from Civil Delegate adds:
- 2000 STR
- 2000 INT
- 10 000 HP (it gives you exactly that much HP)

In Short:

  • 06.00-06.59 GT
  • Civil Delegate in Armia (that your citizen in)
  • 1 Lak Scrap
  • Lasts an hour

Civil Delegate Soul!

  Około 06,00 GT  do 07.00 GT  (wcisnij  Insert zeby sprawdzic czas gry) można uzyskać Soul of Limits tzw Civil Soula z Civil Delegata..
Wszystko, co  potrzebne do tego  to  Lak Scrap
Tzw. Civil soul dodaje: 
- 2000 STR
 - 2000 INT 
- 10 000 HP (to dużo HP :p)

W skrócie:

* 06.00-06.59 GT
* Civil Delegate w Armii (blisko teleportu)
* 1 Lak Scrap
* Trwa godzinę