Greetings WYDMates!
You have failed to succeed on your 3rd weekly task in completing enough amount of scrap. I am hoping that this will serve as a lesson for you to strive harder in every task that you need to accomplish. You must take every task seriously while enjoying it with your fellow WYDMates. In this case, no one of you will receive the weekly rewards.
Thank you!

The time has come for one of your fellow WYDMate to leave the Brotherhood. Last week, you sent your votes to our Q&A Section and the WYDMates with the highest number of votes got their names to the bottom 2 in our Official Fan Page; in which the WYDians voted and saved their favorite WYDMate. The WYDMate with the least number of votes/likes is the one who will be eliminated. I am sorry to inform you that NeoBMKiller got the lowest number of votes which is 21 Likes.
Being chosen as one of the WYDMates means that you have a unique quality and potential as a good WYDMate. Your efforts are well appreciated on this event, but the WYDMates and WYDians have already decided for you to become the third WYDMate to be eliminated from the Brotherhood. On behalf of all the WYDMates and GMs, we would like to thank you for participating on this event.
You are now eliminated from the Brotherhood.
Please log-out now and I will un-mute your character(s). All remaining Shouts will be deleted.
~ WYD Brother
Note: Results of Task #3; Announcement of Task #4 and Nomination will be posted tomorrow.