sobota, 27 sierpnia 2011

Academy rules for ALPHA xD

Hi All..

Because the light prevail in our academie Haos I think that will assist the following principles:
1st If you come to the water first say hi to all the present and not immediately spam "PT PT"
2nd Set in a line next to all I have in mind here - line up
3rd We speak one at a time rather than all at once if you have a question
4th We try to provide assistance to members of academia
5th Do not kill the quest academy members
6th We try to participate in organized by the OP stuff
7th Do not insult members of academia and particularly OP

This initial principle which enters into force in the game of the day
Any additional changes will be added ..

Thank you and please respect the rules

Kerana cahaya mengatasi dalam Haos Academie kami saya fikir yang akan membantu prinsip-prinsip berikut:
1 Jika anda datang ke air pertama katakan hi kepada semua yang hadir dan tidak segera spam "PT PT"
2 Terletak di garis depan untuk semua saya ada di dalam fikiran di sini - beratur
3 Kami bertutur satu demi satu dan bukannya semua sekali gus jika anda mempunyai soalan
4 Kami cuba untuk memberi bantuan kepada ahli-ahli akademik
5 Jangan membunuh ahli-ahli akademi usaha
6 Kami cuba untuk menyertai anjuran hal itu OP
7 Jangan menghina ahli-ahli akademik dan terutama OP

Ini prinsip awal yang mula berkuatkuasa dalam permainan hari
Mana-mana perubahan tambahan akan ditambah ..

Terima kasih dan sila hormati Peraturan


Eftersom ljuset råder i vårt Academie Haos Jag tror att det kommer att hjälpa följande principer:
1:a Om du kommer till vattnet först säga hej till alla de nuvarande och inte omedelbart spam "PT PT"
2:a Beläget i en rad bredvid alla jag har i åtanke här - radas upp
3:e Vi talar en i taget istället för allt på en gång om du har en fråga
4:e Vi försöker att ge stöd till universitet och högskolor
5:e Döda inte sökandet Akademiens ledamöter
6:e Vi försöker att delta i arrangeras av OP-grejer
7:e Gör förolämpning inte är medlemmar i den akademiska världen och särskilt OP

Denna första princip som träder i kraft i spelet för dagen
Alla ytterligare ändringar kommer att läggas ..

Tack och vänlig respektera reglerna

czwartek, 25 sierpnia 2011

Servers UP!!

Thank you very much for your patience. We are glad to inform you that all of our servers are now up and accessible. Please run your WYDLauncher now and wait for the patch to finish so you can log back in-game and continue playing.

For Citizens of Server 2 and 3, your Citizen Drop Bonus were returned back to normal. Please disregard the error message which appears upon logging into Server 2 and 3.

Due to players' demand, we will change some mechanics, rules and prizes for our Daily Activities:
All of the changes will take effect on September 1, 2011.

We truly appreciate your continuous support. Thank you and may the Blessing of Sephira be with you!

środa, 24 sierpnia 2011

Weekly Server Maintenance

Attention WYDians!

We would like to inform all that next Weekly Server Maintenance will take place on August 25, 2011 at 03:00~05:00 Game Time for us to be able to provide the best services for all the players of WYD Global. Please note that our website and forum section will also be down for further development. Thank you!

Servers UP!!

Attention WYDIANS!

Thank you very much for your patience. We are glad to inform you that all of our servers are now up and accessible. Please run your WYDLauncher now and wait for the patch to finish so you can log back in-game and continue playing.

We truly appreciate your continuous support. Thank you and may the Blessing of Sephira be with you!

Weekly Server Maintenance

Attention WYDians!

We would like to inform all that next Weekly Server Maintenance will take place on August 18, 2011 at 03:00~05:00 Game Time for us to be able to provide the best services for all the players of WYD Global. Please note that our website and forum section will also be down for further development. Thank you!


Double Days

Attention WYDians,

We will be having a mini-event called Double Days [Beta] this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday (August 18~20).

On Thursday, August 18, 2011, all activites and events will be doubled:

Mortal Academy = Each Operator will receive 96 pcs. non-tradable Water Scroll (N) and 8 pcs. non-tradable Shout.

(No scroll limit, Operators can decide on how many scrolls they will be using per day)

Advance Academy = Each God Chief will receive 24 pcs. non-tradable Water Scroll (M) and 8 pcs. non-tradable Shout. Each Celestial Chief will receive 24 pcs. non-tradable Water Scroll (A) and 8 pcs. non-tradable Shout.

(No scroll limit, Chiefs can decide on how many scrolls they will be using per day)

Battle of the Noobs Mortal and God Division = Each winner will receive
  • 6 pcs. Oriharukon Powder
  • 6 pcs. Laktorerium Powder
  • 200M Modified Experience Points
  • 50 Guild Fame

Battle of the Noobs Celestial Division = Each winner will receive
  • 6 pcs. Oriharukon Powder
  • 6 pcs. Laktorerium Powder
  • 4 pcs. Warrior's Seal
  • 4 pcs. Rune of your choice
  • 50 Guild Fame Points

Games of the Generals = summoning of mobs will last for 30 minutes

Battle Royale = Each winner will receive
  • 10 pcs. Oriharukon Powder
  • 10 pcs. Laktorerium Powder
  • 100 Guild Fame Points
  • 5 Points for #1 PK Player of the Month

Answer the Newbie = Each winner will receive
  • 20 pcs. Oriharukon Powder
  • 20 pcs. Laktorerium Powder

On Friday and Saturday, August 19~20, 2011, we will turn on MOD DROP and MOD EXP:

No Academy Supplies, Academy League, Battle of the Noobs, Games of the Generals, Battle Royale and Answer the Newbie events.

Charity Box 2 will be dropped from all mobs randomly instead of Charity Box.

This mini-event will give way for us to fix our Q&A Section within Friday and Saturday. We strongly recommend all players to send their inquiries on our Official Fan Page instead.

All activities/events will return to normal on Sunday, August 21, 2011. Happy hunting to all WYDians!!!

-WYD Global Team

czwartek, 11 sierpnia 2011

Ultimate WYDMate!!!

From June 10 up to August 12 of 2011, passing 7 Weekly Tasks, the time has come to reveal who won from our 2 remaining WYDMates.

We would like to congratulate kurt-c0bain for winning the Brotherhood event!
The WYDians have already decided and chose you to become the Ultimate WYDMate of the Brotherhood. You have shown us what it takes to be the Ultimate WYDmate. Thank you for all the experience that you have shared with us.

You can claim your prizes from Q&A Section. You can also send your chosen alias, academy and shift time from the available slots in our Mortal Academy.

The consolation prize will automatically be given to Bing-Bong. You may not be the Ultimate WYDMate but you have managed to show us how to be a true WYDMate. Thank you for all the memories that you have shared with us and please claim your prize on Q&A Section.

~ WYD Brother

The Crystal Miners are ...

Here are the winners of the event "Crystal Miners". We apologize for the delay and would like to advise everyone to wait for the full details of each player who participated.

Laktorerium and Oriharukon Powders will be sent after 24 hours, so please make sure you have enough spaces on your cargo to avoid missing them. We cannot guarantee that we will return any undelivered prize if your cargo is full.

Crystal 1 Miner(s) are KingsWar and CARGO-VEND
Please prepare your Mortal Weapon and trade them to GM by request.
Number of Gathered CrystalsCharacter Name and Count
1~29MUG3N 1
mag43PL 1
Leo-Valdez 1
77889911 1
killerZlTW 1
4Eveeer 1
Bromite 1
platito- 1
-MuackZ- 1
lastazhealer 1
angelz03 1
USA-Happy 1
YourLastSin 1
Serot 1
-Naga24- 1
-FreeWay- 1
manangistrit 1
WinterFoema 1
ImMrLonely 1
boyan606 1
TKillBR 1
chix-FM 1
EvilSob 1
Likeon 1
Gergis9 1
Dominx3 1
DragonLord29 1
Milestone 1
13HunteR13 1
EverynsT 1
DarkStalkerS 1
Provided 1
IamLucas 1
DaRk-Itachi 1
-TK-Roy- 1
FizzAFizz 1
GuGu-ShTnice 1
---BRAHMA--- 1
ImpactO 1
penjaga 1
HT-MasterK 1
-X-xDuDux-X- 1
X-xMallax-X 1
Mk-Lyvhuy 1
Koon 1
IgorFenix 1
ThE-MamAngAn 1
FM-ApE- 1
-Nobinha 1
kingdom34 1
Jonas-8D 1
-NoID- 1
TopOne 1
Garbollo 1
-Zupektibol- 1
Tk-FiRez 1
xPuGaLiNexSR 1
-KiNg-Mk- 1
Fallen998 1
hT-Leona 1
PvPMoD 1
wd-global 1
Krixx 1
Castler 1
dilma-ruself 1
manaus-br 1
FM-DarKk 1
FM-nb 1
HT-amazing 1
-MedoCan- 1
R-a-i-z-o 1
Bayoneta 1
Arzelyn 1
SrTyraell 1
SamIam 1
byMoon 1
CupidMK 1
Anjuss 1
HT-Anjuss 1
Beatdown99 1
ItchyGodFate 1
ILeviathan-I 1
-Emrah- 1
RealEagle 1
PasziHunter 1
-DJCT- 1
-OXE- 1
MrScruff 1
Red-Duck 1
PhullDiDo 1
ProOrNoob1 1
-dekleinen- 1
torcedora 1
Procurement 1
DiabloBow 1
ISpectre 1
FromHelll 1
Kraw 1
x-pak 1
-HT-Newbie- 1
-XMagic-Bm 1
iGlow- 1
Khaizoku 1
ShuricaDamon 1
sj25 1
Lagendary 1
LiGien 1
-EvokChaoS- 1
-Nessinha- 1
punchy 1
SummonFera 1
Supplies 1
FMGhoust 1
szyszQ 1
Cherenha 1
I3y-Fuzil 1
stone-out 1
OvOCuzido 1
NeYLuJ 1
Iam-Cowardly 1
tvoo 1
-Haragor- 1
-Zacky- 1
HassMudHajd 1
NamelessBR 1
lByohmorreu 1
XLHunterLX 1
JusTToPvP 1
Capt.Phoenix 1
HallKs 1
wumux 1
carolino 1
YagaziOwneD- 1
Aleries 1
BM-JasonX 1
ht--220 1
HT-Sarah 2
-iluziOn--BM 2
Milor 2
VisSolis 2
Red-Buzz 2
-Sceptic- 2
-Top-Map 2
-H-H- 2
-Wave100- 2
Bhazel 2
-Rukiii- 2
djuxn 2
-FreshMen- 2
LightStar 2
coolit2 2
DeadSilent 2
---kobut---- 2
Ah-LongPTD 2
Bing-Bong 2
Elester 2
Malf 2
Cherry- 2
CruzeiroBR 2
SkyIce 2
BassHuntress 2
Metzu 2
-SafeGuard- 2
-MyDear- 2
WildBoyz 2
-Nessynha- 2
TyranNic 2
NegoSafado 2
ST4Nk 2
KrAiiN-BM 2
BM-Aizen 2
Smiledc 2
P3dR03BR 2
BRoyaLfM-- 2
BM-Suck 2
BlooServer 2
-Bhim- 2
BM-Riqueh 2
iwitty 2
xMaOMaO- 2
seng81 2
-Fast-Ht- 2
SKY-Trons 2
RasTaFari-Br 2
sijnulhuda 2
Lagun 2
I3y-Cherenha 2
ImmortaLHeRo 2
-LoStSoUl- 2
wondergurl 2
SpiritWolf 2
xxxmadxxx 2
Dreth 2
YaphetS 2
tw-lovetree 3
CorpseVermin 3
Pegasus- 3
Expedicion 3
Okus 3
PoWeR-BlAcKx 3
-MeNiNa-xD 3
cura-logo 3
-Jebus- 3
BlockMachine 3
Xorina 3
LeX-AternA 3
Saleta 3
Beast-Wars 3
-TeBaS- 3
MasteerFiree 3
I-HeArT-TiNa 3
Subtract 3
roxxie 3
-X-Camelo-X- 3
jack66 3
MRjulz16 3
iTranKnight 3
kurt-c0bain 3
HT-Larxena 3
TonyStark 3
Gilean 3
MoDeL6 3
Nicholo 3
BestOfShadow 3
MisCiel 3
BillyJohn 3
Recallthe 3
hipynose 3
setan-gemok 3
Maria-Zezita 3
anika25 3
iAmMimi 3
TheKingHunt 3
FirstAvenger 3
-ThErEtUrN- 3
Mirda 3
-Beleza 4
AvaSSallaDoR 4
Darth-Ricky 4
internaleyez 4
-JoTa- 4
X-LeO 4
hunter299 4
luxmuner 4
Magthro-8D 4
-DaJaL-1- 4
StormRed 4
BMYaripon 4
WaStEd 4
Pvt.prattii 4
bEaStMaSeR 5
Dark-Furyanx 5
Jas-God 5
Kalixtho 5
--Rango-- 5
Zunza 5
GameMasterz 5
roseann 5
Destroier-FM 5
Viniciusz 5
Casue 6
mulher-seria 6
Benlifee 6
-livevil- 6
XxCrusherXx 6
iAmMaOMaO 6
jaun 6
Pikashu 7
W902-BM 7
iAmNine 7
BMBlackBatle 7
Ishkur 7
FM-Galindos 7
BmAlchimysty 8
nmnm 8
Chiru 8
BounceOut 8
mitamuraTK 8
---molly--- 8
seng81keng 8
Hjaun 8
-FreshBlood- 9
W-Gonji 9
DarkHunt4r 9
Alfadelfa 9
chicky 9
zhantee 9
Death-kun 10
Senshi-Isha 10
Storebror 11
Carfa-HT 11
-kyba- 11
Indurayn 11
-BliTzeN- 11
yamacai1 12
Xsharpy 12
duble-blast 12
-BlackStar 14
Capt.Omega 14
Menott 14
HTWapi 14
BOBO17 15
BreakAway 15
-PG-HT- 16
-NiTSUKi- 16
iAmiluziOn 17
cheapstuff75 17
redbt 17
-pr3dator- 20
BabyChi 21
FyOnA 21
KzarBra 22
Baraka 23
curadocarol 23
FireWars 24
Sinistraa 24
HunTiMe- 27
FMWapi 29
30~50BrunoPorts 30
FeNiiXx 30
NiL-Bra 33
bbtao 34
-sweet16- 34
renzo1 38
-DevilBeast- 39
bb-tao 41
51~100monfri 54
KingsWar 76

Crystal 2 Miner is FMWapi
Please prepare your Mortal Weapon and trade them to GM by request.
Number of Gathered CrystalsCharacter Name and Count
30~50Sinistraa 31
-sweet16- 39
---molly--- 43
51~100renzo1 51
-DevilBeast- 58
monfri 62
ShuricaDamon 66
chix 91
201~300FMWapi 241

Crystal 3 Miner is FMWapi
Please prepare your Mortal Weapon and trade them to GM by request.
Number of Gathered CrystalsCharacter Name and Count
30~50KingsWar 31
Hunter-Megs 34
renzo1 40
-DevilBeast- 48
51~100Pegasus- 58
monfri 66
201~300FMWapi 254

Crystal 4 Miner is CARGO-VEND
Please prepare your Mortal Weapon and trade them to GM by request.
Number of Gathered CrystalsCharacter Name and Count
30~50HunTiMe- 30
ttssee 30
77889911 31
yalayal 32
-sweet16- 36
taima 39
-DevilBeast- 40
AniesQzi 43
hunter299 44
MisCiel 44
FMWapi 49
51~100Soul-of-War 54
---molly--- 60
-LoGiteCh- 82
monfri 83
101~200HyperStone- 109
Pegasus- 130

Crystal 5 Miner is CARGO-VEND
Please prepare your Mortal Weapon and trade them to GM by request.
Number of Gathered CrystalsCharacter Name and Count
30~50LRENZ001 yalayal 31
RENZO5 renzo1 33
MORADO0120 -sweet16- 37
51~100GABRIEL232 -DevilBeast- 51
WEZQUOX monfri 53

Servers UP!!

Attention WYDIANS!

Thank you very much for your patience. We are glad to inform you that all of our servers are now up and accessible. Please run your WYDLauncher now and wait for the patch to finish so you can log back in-game and continue playing.

For Citizens of Server 3, your Citizen Drop Bonus was returned back to normal. Please disregard the error message which appears upon logging into Server 3.

One of the following WYDMates which will get the most number of likes from With Your Destiny Global Official Fan Page will be declared as the Ultimate WYDMate at exactly 00:00 GT. Please continue supporting them and increase your chances to win 5 pcs. of Oriharukon Powder and 5 pcs. Laktorerium Powder:
The announcement of winners for the event "Crystal Miners" will be posted today August 11, 2011 here in our Notice Section. Please wait for it and good luck to all WYDians!

We truly appreciate your continuous support. Thank you and may the Blessing of Sephira be with you!

-WYD Global Team

Weekly Server Maintenance

Attention WYDians!

We would like to inform all that our next Weekly Server Maintenance will take place on August 11, 2011 at 03:00~05:00 Game Time for us to be able to provide the best services for all the players of WYD Global. Please note that our website and forum section will also be down for further development. Thank you!

wtorek, 9 sierpnia 2011

Results: Task #7

Greetings WYDMates!

Due to some confusion about the rules which must be applied on Task #7, it was decided that the announcement of winner for this task should be moved on next week for further clarification.

I also want to inform you that the Task #7 is the last task. There are no more tasks for this coming week. This coming week will be given to you so that you can campaign and convince the WYDians and non-WYDians to vote for the Ultimate WYDMate.

We will announce the Ultimate WYDmate on August 12, 2011.

Good luck!

~ WYD Brother

WYDMate huntr-,

Based on the votes of the the WYDians on our Facebook Fan Page, you are the one who will leave the Brotherhood today. You have shown us a good sport on this game. Since the beginning of the event, you always let the people know that you can also be a good leader. This is just a start of your new journey, always remember all the lessons that you have learned at the Brotherhood.

Your participation on this event is well appreciated. Thank you very much!

Servers UP!!

Attention WYDIANS!

Thank you very much for your patience. We are glad to inform you that all of our servers are now up and accessible. Please run your WYDLauncher now and wait for the patch to finish so you can log back in-game and continue playing.

For Citizens of Server 3, your Citizen Drop Bonus was returned back to normal. Please disregard the error message which appears upon logging into Server 3.

To WYDMates, please refer below for the following schedules:

Friday / August 05, 2011 @ exactly 00:00 GT
  • Results of Task #7
  • Elimination
One of the following WYDMates which will get the least number of likes from With Your Destiny Global Official Fan Page will be eliminated tomorrow at exactly 00:00 GT. Please continue supporting them and increase your chances to win 5 pcs. of Oriharukon Powder and 5 pcs. Laktorerium Powder:
The two remaining WYDMates which will advance to the Grand Final will be posted on Monday, August 8, 2011, on our With Your Destiny Global Official Fan Page. They can encourage WYDians and non-WYDians to vote for them until Friday, August 12, 2011, at exactly 00:00 GT.

The announcement of winners for the event "Crystal Miners" was moved to August 11, 2011. This was due to the technical problems we encountered from the past weeks. Rest assured that all of your crystals will be counted fair and equal before we post it here in our Notice Section.

We prepared new events for August 2011. Check it out on our Events Section.

We truly appreciate your continuous support. Thank you and may the Blessing of Sephira be with you!

Monthly Salary:

Monthly Salary:

Academy AliasSalaryBonusDeductionTotal

Note: All Monthly Salary will expire on August 20, 2011. All Ops/Chiefs are encourage to send their orders ASAP to Q&A Section.

Congratulations and keep up the good work!!!

Perfect Attendance Ops/Chiefs

Monthly Reward:

Here is the list of Operators and Chiefs who can receive the Perfect Attendance Reward for their whole month of duty last July 2011 without any absences, lates or excuses.

Name of Operators:

  • Sgt.HELLO
  • Capt.Han-2
  • Sgt.KHI
  • Pvt.Thunder
  • Lt.p1Nk

Name of Chiefs:

  • Sgt.AcePK
  • Lt.renu
  • Capt.Shadow
  • Capt.RaiShin
  • Capt.Phoenix
  • Lt.Omega

Please choose one (1) for your special reward :


1 piece +0 Ancient God Weapon (Drop/PD/Exp/AD) (63DMG/28MAP)


1 Piece +0 God Armor of their choice and here are the following options:

PANTS = 30 DEF / 10 MAP
GLOVES = 30 DEF / 10 MAP
BOOTS = 30 DMG / 10 MAP

PANTS = 30 DMG / 7.0 CRIT
GLOVES = 30 DMG / 30 DEF
BOOTS = 30 DMG / 18 SM

1 Piece +0 Spirit Stone

- 10/10 Fire / Ice
- 4% HP
- 10/10 Holy / Lightning
- 2% Crit

Note: Operators need to send in our Op Q&A section the reward of their choice and Chiefs on Q&A section for us to be able to send it in their cargo.